Thursday, October 7, 2010

Seats Taken

There’s nothing more jarring than getting on a subway car that has only one rider. I’m not talking about subway cars with a very smelly person or with a lack of air conditioning, There is a massive reason only one person is on that car.

I’m talking about a perfectly acceptable car at regular daylight hours containing only one person. It’s like entering the residence of a complete stranger. There’s the instant stare of disbelief from the other rider as if “how dare you choose this car.” And it’s even more disconcerning if it comes from the complete other side of the car. It’s like laser beams down the aisle.

The only obvious response is a look back that says “I didn’t choose the car. It chose me.” Only then there’s a pang of embarrassment after realizing you are now conducting an argument in your head with a complete stranger.

A completely empty car is way easier to handle. Brand new space. All open seats. The privacy. Initially, it can seem daunting but once you settled in on those hard plastic seats, any which you would like, you realize that you should relish it because it will probably only last a stop or two. Then, some indecent human being will have the audacity to trespass onto your car and your only recourse will be to shoot them a look that says “how dare you?” as you commence a new argument in your head.

Usually, hopefully, this only lasts til the next stop when someone else gets in. It’s amazing how a packed subway car feels more comfortable than one with only one other solitary rider. New York makes personal space issues so complicated!