Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Isolated T-Storms

Summers in New York have a heat and humidity that are pretty close to unbearable. And it just quadruples in the subway. Which is why I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw a woman in the subway wearing a stone washed jean jacket, track pants, and rain boots all topped with a hat. Aside from the fact that I wanted to tell her the 80’s called and wanted their outfit back, I couldn’t fathom how she could be comfortable in that get up. I was sweaty just looking at her and I was in a skirt and t-shirt.

Sure there were isolated T-storms; you could argue the necessity for the boots. However, I think in situations such as this, you must weigh the pros and cons.

Pro: My feet will be dry.

Con: I will die of heat exhaustion and my obituary will consist of the naming of an MTA line and a description of my terrible outfit.

Come to think of it, her feet were probably soaked anyway…with sweat! Gross.

There are some sturdy flip-flops that handle the rain. Or even mini rain booties. I’ve seen them. They exist. And they are the perfect alternative. While we’re at it, let’s loose the jacket too.

Look, I understand that New York allows for fashion explorations. But if anyone tries to convince me that this getup proves fashionable, I will terminate our friendship…on Facebook…

In hindsight, I wish I would’ve snapped a picture as an immortal keepsake but perhaps it’s better I didn’t for all of our sakes. If you’re out there rain boot jean jacketed girl, think twice next time. Please?

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